Exercise Barents Rescue 2011 : planning performance evaluation

Exercise Barents Rescue 2011 : planning performance evaluation
Barents Rescue 2011 is the largest international exercise conducted in Sweden thus far. Traditionally the Barents Rescue exercises have had an operational focus on field training exercises. This year the intention was to involve strategic parts on different levels (from local to international level) more fully. This ambition led to the decision to spread the exercise parts over a longer period of time, starting with Table Top Exercise 1 in April and finalized with the Field Training Exercise/ Command Post Exercise in September. The aim of the exercise was to improve cooperation and coordination between countries in the Barents region during an emergency situation in accordance with the Barents agreement. This aim was generally fulfilled. Given a possibility to meet, learn to know each other and work together creates a better understanding for each other’s different cultures and working methods.