Guideline on protection of public spaces : Protection against terrorism in crowded places, guidance

Guideline on protection of public spaces : Protection against terrorism in crowded places, guidance
A modern, democratic and open society is vulnerable to terrorism. Even if the risk of being a victim of an attack is very small for each individual, various businesses, sectors and actors that are active in places with a public presence need to prepare for the threat in their security work. Sweden’s counter-terrorism efforts are dependent on actors other than authorities also working to increase the protection against terrorism. In the Swedish counter-terrorism strategy, the fight against terrorism is divided into three areas: preventing, preempting and protecting. In addition to this, society must also have an ability to handle the consequences of a terrorist attack. The prevention efforts aim to counter and reduce the intent to commit or support terrorist attacks. The preemptive efforts aim to counter and reduce the capabilities and opportunities to commit terrorist attacks. The protective efforts aim to create and maintain protection for individuals and to reduce society’s vulnerability to terrorist attacks. This guideline was prepared for the protective efforts. The aim is to create conditions for greater safety and security in public spaces in which many people are present. The guide was prepared by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency and the Police Authority.