EU cooperation
MSB is actively participating in the EU’s civil protection cooperation, as well as in other matters concerning civil contingencies, both on a strategic and operational level.
The work may, for example, entail negotiating EU common rules on critical infrastructure protection or to carry out joint operational actions.
The EU within MSB’s scope of activities
The cooperation within the EU has a major impact on the civil contingencies work in Sweden. The EU’s activities in the field shall create better conditions for Member States’ civil protection organisations to jointly manage crises and maintain a safer society in a changing world.
Examples of areas of activity within the EU that affects MSB:
- Humanitarian aid and civil protection
- The EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP/GSFP) and logistics services for civil crisis management operations
- Migration and internal affairs (internal security, secure communications, hazardous substances, critical infrastructure)
- Environment (forest fires, flooding)
- Transport and mobility (chemicals, transport of dangerous goods)
- Research
MSB’s work within the areas of activity
- Humanitarian aid and civil protection
- The EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP/GSFP)
- Migration and internal affairs – internal security
- Migration and internal affairs – secure communications
- Migration and internal affairs – hazardous substances
- Environment – forest fires
- Environment - flooding
- Transport and mobility (chemicals and transport of dangerous goods)
- Research