Exercises section

To increase societal capacity for the handling of emergencies and disasters both the public and private sectors need to train and hold exercises. The task of the MSB in this regard is to promote exercises, primarily via comprehensive multi-sector exercises.

The goal being that actors aided by exercises should attain a good level of capacity for limiting the consequences of emergencies and disasters, gain a good level of capacity for managing and making decisions within their own area of responsibility and a capacity for cooperating with others.

MSB exercises encompass the levels from the regional up to the national to the EU and to the international. The local level is supported by the relevant county administrative board. 

What does the Exercise section at MSB do?

Exercise Section is responsible for the regular large-scale multi-sector cooperation exercises (SAMÖ) and also for holding crisis management exercises on the EU and international level.

We also support other joint authority exercises in the shape of exercise management, methodology, technical role-play assistance, evaluations and more. Some exercises are planned and held by an individual authority itself, for others the MSB takes part in the role-play or in other ways.

Support is also provided for regional cooperation exercises and for cooperation courses.

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