Permits for explosives
Here you can find e-services to apply for different permits regarding explosives.
Target group
- Professionals
- The public
Application for authorisation for the destruction of pyrotechnic vehicle safety equipment (PU)
According to the provisions of the Flammable and Explosive Goods Act (LBE), a company or an individual must have a permit from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) to destroy pyrotechnic equipment (PU). A warden needs to be appointed who must be approved by MSB. If the responsible party intends to store PU in connection with destruction, a permit also needs to be applied for from MSB, whereon it's not necessary to apply for a separate permit for storage from the municipality.
Application for authorisation to handload ammunition for transfer according the LBE
Handloading is the manufacturing of ammunition for small arms without automatic aids. Anyone who wants to transfer (give away or sell) self-loaded ammunition to someone else must have a permit from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) for the manufacturing of explosives in accordance with the Flammable and Explosive Goods Act (LBE). Under certain circumstances, a manufacturing permit is sometimes also needed for arranging handloading courses.
Anyone who has a Swedish firearms licence for hunting or target shooting may handload ammunition for their own use for their weapons without any other permit. Under these circumstances, it is also permitted to handle up to 5 kg of gunpowder and ignition caps without storage and transfer permits. However, gunpowder and ignition caps must be stored in safes, and a valid Swedish firearms licence must be presented to the seller upon purchase.
Application of wardens and participants for the handling of explosives
If you or your business that handles explosives has a permit from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), you can proceed with your registration of participants and wardens in this e-service.
If you or your business only have a permit for handling explosives from the municipality, it is instead to the permitting municipality that you should contact with your registration.
In accordance with sections 9 and 9a of the Flammable and Explosive Goods Act (LBE), wardens and participants in activities involving explosives must be reported to the licensing authority and assessed for suitability. Provisions on what information is to be included in the registration can be found in MSB:s regulations on participants in activities with explosives MSBFS 2021:3. The information in the registration is only a basis for an assessment of suitability.
Application for authorisation to manufature explosives on permanent locations
A licence is required for manufacturing explosives. Manufacturing of explosives includes processes where explosive articles or explosive substances are made or assembled, or unmade or disassembled and include recycling or destruction. Those who want to manufacture explosives need to apply for a licence from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). Use this e-service to apply for a licensce to manufacture explosives at permanent locations.
Authorisation to be an education provider for the use of pyrotechnic articles
An education provider for pyrotechnical articles is someone who has a permit from The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) to arrange courses for those who wants to use pyrotechnical articles in categories F2-F4, T1, T2, P1 or P2.