E-service portal

In MSB's e-services portal you will find MSB's e-services. To use the e-services you usually need a Swedish e-identification, but there are also some e-services that can be accessed both with Swedish and Foreign eID.

Open tool - E-service portal


Target group

  • Users of the e-service portal

The Microsoft Edge browser does not support Telia's e-identification, in which case use a different browser.

The e-service portal provides a separate space where your information is stored while you work with it. The information in the private space is not available to MSB's administrators and is not a document received by the authority. When you submit the information in the e-service, it is registered as an incoming document at MSB and given a diary number. If several people are to sign what you send to MSB, the information will be received by MSB when the last signatory has signed.

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