Training required under ADR

If you are transporting dangerous goods or are otherwise involved in such transport you must have completed a training course.

The purpose of the training is to make you aware of the risks that can arise and provide you with knowledge about the regulations that apply for accident prevention. If an accident occurs you need to know what steps to take to minimize injury to people, and damage to the environment and property. The regulations on training are available for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail, that is, in both regulations ADR and RID.

Training of drivers (ADR)

Drivers who transport dangerous goods must hold a valid certificate of training, an “ADR certificate”. The ADR certificate shows that the driver has completed driver training and has passed the training course successfully. In Sweden, the MSB is responsible for the training and examination of drivers and for issuing ADR certificates.

The MSB does not conduct the driver training itself, that is done by external training bodies. These have been approved by the MSB to conduct driver training and examination under the provisions of ADR-S.

If you want to undergo driver training to obtain an ADR certificate or renew your current certificate, you should contact the MSB’s approved training bodies.

You will find these by clicking on the link below (goes to a page in Swedish). Click on the county name (next to the map of Sweden) where you wish to take the training course. You will find further information on pre-training requirements and contact details.

Chapter 1.3: Training of persons involved in the carriage of dangerous goods (ADR/RID)

In addition to the requirements for driver training ADR-S and RID-S stipulate that all personnel involved in the transport of dangerous goods must be trained for the tasks they perform, so-called 1.3 training.

The training requirement covers, for example, people who classify dangerous goods, issue transport documents, pack dangerous goods, load, unload, and other personnel who have duties related to the transport of dangerous goods by road or rail.

The purpose of the training course is that personnel should be aware of the risks and hazards associated with the dangerous goods they handle and the regulations that apply.

The training shall take the following format, appropriate to the responsibility and duties of the individual concerned:

  1. General awareness training,
  2. Functional-specific training,
  3. Safety training.

The training and refresher training specified in Chapter 1.3 shall also include elements of security awareness. This training shall address the nature of security risks, recognising security risks, methods to address and reduce such risks and actions to be taken in the event of a security breach. If appropriate, it shall also include awareness of security plans.

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