After a mission

The mission is over and it is time to return home to a daily routine that differs greatly from your life on mission.

After your homecoming it is important to think about the period of your mission and allow yourself time to get back into your domestic routine.


After an operation it is important for MSB to follow up on its results and the experiences of the field staff. This can be done in various ways, but the most common is by means of feedback to the project manager. If necessary, MSB will also arrange special reunion meetings after the completed operation in order to learn more about the field staff’s experiences and apply them in future operations in order to increase quality further.

Performance Evaluation Report - PER

Towards the end of the mission, your supervisor will make a written evaluation of your performance, for which the MSB has produced a form called the Performance Evaluation Report (PER). Some of the MSB partner organisations have their own evaluation forms, while others choose to use the MSB’s version.


When you come home from your mission, it is your responsibility to return equipment borrowed from the MSB. All equipment taken with you on the mission must be brought back, and consequently you may not leave behind such items as computers or MSB clothing. You may need to pay compensation if handling the equipment carelessly, or if anything is missing.


When returning from a mission it is important that you take your time to update your new experiences on MyPages. The information that you enter on MyPages forms the basis of the CV. Your new experiences make you more attractive as registered on the roster. If you are not available for a new mission, it is important that you register the information on Mypages.

Health issues after you return home

Working as field staff in an area of conflict or humanitarian disaster can be both physically and mentally stressful, for which reason the MSB offers a session with the staff counselor as well as a medical examination after your return home.

Stress reactions after a mission

After a mission you may experience subsequent reactions even if nothing traumatic happened during that time. Examples of reactions that may occur can include insomnia, feelings of emptiness and irritation. If you experience similar reactions, it is important to understand that stress reactions are normal. You must be patient and give yourself time to adjust mentally and physically to life in your home environment.

If you are able to do so, it may be beneficial to talk to your colleagues from your time on mission.

There are different things that you can do yourself to lower your stress level, for example, socializing, massage and yoga.

Returning home from a mission

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