MSB's support to Ukraine

MSB's response activities provide support to Ukraine in the form of deployed personnel and equipment. The support is provided through various UN agencies, EUAM, OSCE and through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

MSB has supported Ukraine for several years, including within the framework of a capacity support operation to support Ukrainian authorities with the aim of developing civil protection, disaster risk reduction and regional cooperation.

Since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, MSB has delivered support to both Ukraine and neighbouring countries based on the support requested. Through collaboration with other authorities, regions, rescue services, municipalities, and the business community, MSB has been able to distribute large amounts of resources to Ukraine.

MSB has conducted over 360 operations since the start of the war, which is more than twice the number of operations we usually deliver annually worldwide.

Coordination and transportation of materials

MSB coordinates and facilitates the transports of donated equipment from MSB and other actors to assist with necessary resource reinforcements in critical sectors. These include energy, rescue services, the water sector, school buses, mine action, CBRN, medical equipment and medicines. The donations have helped the authorities to carry out essential activities.

Airborne medical transportation

MSB coordinates requests for airborne medical transportation from Ukraine, Poland, and Moldova to Sweden, for patients to receive medical care in Sweden. Since the start of the war, more than 200 people have been evacuated for treatment in Sweden.

Seconded experts

MSB recruits and deploys experts to strengthen the response capacity of responsible organizations. Expert profiles sent out include: crisis coordination, crisis information, water, sanitation and hygiene, emergency care of the injured, experts in emergency accommodation and infrastructure, logistics and IT connections.

MSB has also increased capacity of national actors in emergency care through training of around 80 medical instructors (trainer of trainers) who in turn have trained more than 40,000 people in Ukraine as first responders..

Temporary emergency shelters rescEU shelter

On behalf of the EU, MSB has supported 7 regions in Ukraina with 3,000 temporary emergency shelters. Theses shelters can give housing for up to 17,500 people who have lost their homes or been forced to flee.

MSB provides temporary shelters linked to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to provide temporary protection to the affected population. MSB's role involves the coordination, transportation, and implementation of the response. The temporary shelters are part of rescEU and are jointly funded by the EU.

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